Syukur Alhamdullillah.
Menghadiri Bengkel Penilaian Laporan Program Aktiviti Serta Program Rahmah Mesra bersama NGO/NPO, anjuran MAIWP di Shaftsbury Putrajaya. Mendapat amanat dari Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar, Pengerusi MAIWP. Antara pesanan Tan Sri:
1. Come up with a WOW Factor programs
2. Dont focus on low hanging fruit projects too much
3. Focus on projects with high social impact & return
4. Utilize allocation for NGOs wisely, creatively & responsibly
5. Avoid recycled snd duplicated programs
6. Adhere to MAIWP rules and regulations (documentation, audit compliance, financial & program reports)
7. Always bear in mind impact on beneficiries
Jazakallahukhair Tan Sri. Juga sempat bertemu dengan Datuk Hj Mohd Ajib Pengarah JAWI , Ustaz Ahmad Talmizi MAIWP, Rakan2 NGO2 yang seangkatan. Jom perjuangan diteruskan. Insya Allah.