Syukur Alhamdullillah.
It was indeed a very special day. Its one of the most memorable, effective and emotional Dawah event ever organized by GDM HQ. Themed Keluarga Harmoni. Despite behind the scene where constructive cristism, difference of opinion and giving ideas on the pre qualification can be tedious, kudos to all Secretariat for putting up the spirit of give and take, accepting opinions and aligning the objectives until we met with common understanding.
When we do dakwah, we have to keep this in mind, we are introducing Islam to the entire family chain of a Mualaf/Saudara Kita, from their parents to spouse, to their children (regardless their age), to their flesh & blood brothers & sisters, relatives, friends and their friends and any Non Muslim friends within their circles. Its them that we want to entertain, educate and engage. As organizers, we must put that in mind. Meeting and putting up requirements is just administrative. We got to put our heart and soul into the entire criteria and that will work. We have to expect the unexpected and deal with the unforseen circumstances wisely. No wild guessing, no assumption and no negative perception. Keep it all real.
Today, i saw that and Congratulations to GDM. The team who work tirelessly behind the scene, organizing from A to Z, Masya Allah. Salute to you!!! A very short & sweet speech by Hj Noli Husain and Ustazah Khadijah. A cheerful MC, setting beautiful tone to the event.
Got my lovely parents to come along to meet with everyone especially our Non Muslim groups of friends. May Allah SWT open up their hearts to Islam.
Bro Azhar Soo