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Program Usrah Mualaf Melaka (Part 6)

Syukur Alhamdullillah.

Its good to be back for Program Usrah Mualaf Negeri Melaka 2023 with another multi talented lady, Elaine Aisyah as my fellow speaker.

I had goosebumps before, during & after the program because I met so many of my own kind, Mualaf/Saudara Kita, attending & listening & responding attentively to both of us.

We will never forget all the members, committees, volunteers and Excos of MAIM, GDM & BAKPIS for doing all the hard work behind the scenes in making this program a success. In my personal capacity, i hope i have done justice to my Presentation today, entitled *Al Quran Pegangan/Pedoman Hidup Seorang Mualaf*.

I focus a lot on the significance of our daily life, relating some of those to the Quran Chapters & Verses, covering geology, egytptology, biology, cosmic, science, mathematics, ancient mythology etc, bringing them back to life.

Thanks to a Sister, i started by using English as my medium of communication that lasts just 5 minutes, before i SWITCH entirely into Bahasa Melayu which saves the day (They appreciate the content more).

Jazakallahukhair. I told them to share whatever they understood to their friends, relatives, neighbours, colleagues and in particular our Non Muslim friends.

Bro Azhar Soo

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