ISUFOM’s 2nd Year Anniversary

Syukur Alhamdullillah. It’s ISUFOM’s 2nd Year Anniversary. It’s a milestone we thought we may not be able to achieve. Ya Allah, in this night of 27th Ramadhan, accept all our Qiyam & Siyam. Accept all our repentance, grant us all our Doas, bless all our supplications, acknowledge all our Terawihs, obligatory & Supplementary Prayers. Readjust […]

Mosque Open Day 2022

Syukur Alhamdullillah. When you start your day by spending your precious time with Mualaf and Non Muslim friends at Mosque Open Day 2022, and you end your day with a program code name MCR (Malam Cinta Rasul) with Ulamas. Thats what i called time worth spending. All praise is to Allah swt. Bro Azhar Soo […]